Category Archives: Reds and Reds

A Nordstrom Breakfast Club

When I was in 6th grade, my friend Nancy had a Breakfast Club themed birthday party. I was assigned the Basketcase character. Superscore. Filled my hair with hairspray so that I could shake the flakes out over my meal. Scowled through the party. It was pretty much totally unlike me — and It was the best!

Last week I had a similar superscore, when my friend Kate Rielly asked me to help her create six bridal bouquets for a Nordstrom web video.  The purpose of the video:  to show the role of accessories in transforming a bridal look. One bride, one dress, six looks. As Art Director at World Famous, Kate’s job was to help imagine who these six characters might be — and then to populate the shoot with all the right stuff. Flowers included, of course!

In the partial words of Anthony Michael Hall:

You see us as you want to see us… In the simplest terms, in the most convenient definitions. But what we found out is that each one of us is a trustafarian boho bride…and a type-A professional  …and a Southern belle…a swingin’ 60s Twiggy… a Hollywood starlet…and an ethereal Aquarian.

Who do you want to be today — and what will your flowers say about you?

Kate took these photos on set; we can’t wait to see the video!

Update, 6/25/13:  The video is up and available for viewing here!